
Exporting audience identity clusters

Audiences can be exported to a configured destination. You can configure an audience export from the Audiences > Exports sidenav, from a specific audiences "Exports" tab in the DCN UI, or using the CLI. The exported data are either lists of identifiers belonging to the identity clusters making up the audience, or the identity cluster records (In JSON or Parquet format) themselves.

To learn how to enqueue an export of a given audience to a specified destination, navigate to the specific destinations page and follow the "Exporting Audience to" section. There you will find instructions on how to export using the UI as well as the CLI

Export Features


When exporting an audience to a cloud storage destination such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage. There are currently two options, IDs only and Clusters.

IDs only allows you to export a CSV or TSV file containing all of the selected identifier types from your audience.

Exporting IDs only.

Clusters allows you to export entire identity clusters in either JSON or Parquet formats. Exporting in Parquet format to your GCS, S3 or Azure bucket enables you to set up ingestion pipelines into your data warehouse of choice through external tables.

Exporting entire identity clusters.


When exporting an audience, you can set a schedule at which you would like to attempt an export. You can choose between now, once, daily or weekly and set the hour at which you want the export attempt to occur.

Scheduling Your Exports

Once scheduled, you can pause, resume and change the end date of the schedule by going to the summary page of your export.

Modifying Your Export Schedule

Resuming an export will initiate a new export attempt at the next scheduled interval. You can click "Export Now" to initiate a new export attempt immediately at any time.

Match Triggered Exports

When configuring an export of an audience that was created from an incoming match request, you can automatically have that resulting audience exported when a successful match occurs by enabling the toggle below the audience name.

Enabling Match Triggered Exports

Export History

Once you setup your export, you will be met with a summary page where you can see all of the previously configured settings as well as a history of export attempts. Each export attempt will show you insights associated with that export as well as the status of the export. (exporting, done, failed). If an export attempt is failed an error message will be displayed in place of the insights.

Export History Error Message

Once errors are resolved you can click "Export Now" to initiate a new export attempt. This will not interrupt your regular export schedule.


Expiry/TTL is a feature that enables you to set a specific expiration date for your data when you export to some destinations such as The Trade Desk. Each time you export an audience to a destination supporting Expiry/TTL you will reset the timer. This will ensure that stale audiences don't remain in your export destinations for longer than necessary.

Append & Replace

Export destinations can support append and replace operations. When you append to an audience, it will add all new IDs to that destination without affecting the original data. If replace is available as an option, each time you export it will completely replace the audience/segment in your destination.

Export CLI Flags

Optional CLI Export Flags

The --identifiers-filter=<ID Type> option enables you to limit the types of IDs included in the export. If you do do not specify ID types, all ID types will be exported by default.

The available ID types are:

email, idfa, gaid, cid, vid, ipv4, ipv6, tifa, rida, afai, phone, netid, email, idfa, gaid, cid, vid, ipv4, ipv6, tifa, rida, afai, phone, netid, cid[0-9]

CLI Export Flags for File Type Exports (GCS & S3)

The <format> argument allows you configure which type of data you are interested in exporting. The default "cluster_json" option exports JSON-encoded identity clusters, whereas the "id_csv" and "id_tsv" options export only IDs (without links and traits) in either CSV or TSV format, respectively.

Optional CLI Export Flags for File Type Exports (GCS & S3)

  • The --filename=STRING flag allows you to specify the name of the file to create in the specified destination bucket

  • The --[no]override-existing flag allows you to override an existing file of the same name. This defaults to True.

  • The --export-metadata flag allows you to export an additional Metadata file.

  • When exporting CSV or TSV ID values (i.e., "id_csv" or "id_tsv"), the first column contains the type-prefixed ID value and the second column contains the type of ID. The first row is a header indicating the names of the columns. You can control this behavior with the --[no-]id-include-header, --[no-]id-type-column and --[no-]id-type-prefix options.

  • When exporting JSON identity clusters (i.e., --format="cluster_json"), the options --[no-]cluster-include-sources and --[no-]cluster-include-traits allow you to control whether source information and traits data are included in the exported cluster data. The default is to include them.

A list of previously scheduled exports and their status can be obtained from the UI or the CLI with the optable-cli export list command.

Last updated