Secure gateway to your private node

Authentication Options
In order to access your DCN, you need to first receive an invitation from an existing member of the DCN you are attempting to access. Once you receive the invitation, by clicking the Accept Invitation button, you are redirected to the sign up process where you are presented with three default supported methods of authenticating: Email address and password, Google (SSO) and Microsoft (SSO).

Email address and password
Using the same email address to which you received the invitation, you then simply specify a password of your choosing.
Your password must contain:
At least 8 characters
And at least 3 of the following:
Lower case letters (a-z)
Upper case letters (A-Z)
Numbers (0-9)
Special characters (ex. !@#$%^&*)
Google (SSO)
If you received an invitation on an email address which is a Gmail or Google Workspace account, you can sign up using the Google Single Sign-On option by clicking Continue with Google and by authenticating using that same email address.

Microsoft (SSO)
If you received an invitation on and email address which is a Microsoft or Office365 account, you can sign up using the Microsoft Single Sign-On option by clicking Continue with Microsoft Account and by authenticating using that same email address.

Security Features
Brute-Force Protection
Brute-force protection safeguards against a single IP address attacking a single user account. This security feature limits login attempts separately for each source IP address to limit the potential for attackers to lock legitimate users out of their account
Suspicious IP Throttling
Suspicious IP throttling blocks traffic from any IP address that rapidly attempts too many logins or signups. This helps protect your DCN from high-velocity attacks that target multiple accounts. When your DCN detects a high number of consecutive signup attempts or failed login attempts from an IP address, it suspends further attempts from that IP address.
Last updated
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