Managing User Accounts

Inviting, deactivating and deleting user accounts.

Inviting a New User

From the account page, click the "Invite" button, and select the option "User Account".

Enter their name, email (this cannot be changed), and select a role (which can be modified by an Optable DCN admin, or users assigned to a role with the accounts.edit permission). All fields are mandatory. Users can change their name from their accounts page.

From the CLI, use the command optable-cli account create <username> <email> <role>. You will receive a confirmation message similar to this one.

  "id":  123456,
  "kind":  "ACCOUNT_KIND_USER",
  "name":  "Jim Doe",
  "email":  "",
  "access_scopes":  [
  "created_at":  "2022-08-30T16:20:12.250991657Z",
  "updated_at":  "2022-08-30T16:20:12.250991657Z",
  "role_name":  "roles/guest"

<role> can be roles/admin, roles/guest or a user-created role of which you must enter the full name of, you can obtain a list of available roles by using the command optable-cli role list.

Resending an Invitation

From the CLI, use the command optable-cli account resend-invitation <ID>. You can get the ID by using optable-cli account list.

Creating a Service Account

From the account page, click the "Invite" button, and select the option "Service Account".

Service accounts must have a name, which can be changed later on, and a role (which can be modified by an Optable DCN admin, or users assigned to a role with the accounts.edit permission). Both fields are mandatory.

From the CLI, use the command optable-cli account create --service <username> <email> <role>. You will receive a confirmation message similar to this one.

  "id":  456789,
  "name":  "serviceaccount",
  "email":  "",
  "access_scopes":  [
  "created_at":  "2022-08-30T16:37:48.140412674Z",
  "updated_at":  "2022-08-30T16:37:48.140412674Z",
  "role_name":  "roles/admin"

<role> can be roles/admin, roles/guest or a user-created role of which you must enter the full name of, you can obtain a list of available roles by using the command optable-cli role list.

A service account's <email> is generated by Optable at creation time. Therefore, use double quotes "" for this field.

Updating an Account

From there, you can rename the account, and change its assigned role.

From the CLI, use the command optable-cli account update <account id> --name="<new name>" --role-name="<new role>". You can update one or multiple fields at a time.

Deactivating an Account

You can look for deactivated accounts in the UI to reactivate them.

From the CLI, use the command optable-cli account deactivate <id>.

Deleting an Account

From the CLI, use the command optable-cli account delete <account id>.

Last updated